Clearing the Air: An Asthma Toolkit for Healthy Schools

Resource: Toolkits Tools
Audience: Teachers, school nurses, facilities managers and custodians, school administrators, parents and community members, students
Created for: Massachusetts Asthma Action Partnership/ Department of Public Health


The , HRiA, and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s (MA DPH) are delighted to announce the release of Clearing the Air: An Asthma Toolkit for Healthy Schools. This toolkit contains sample policy language, best practices, and curated resources and tools to help schools create an asthma-friendly learning and working environment. Nine policy and practice areas have been identified as target areas to help improve air quality inside and around school buildings:

  • School-wide environmental health and safety management
  • Green cleaning and environmental purchasing programs
  • Integrated pest management
  • Leaks and moisture
  • Clutter
  • Outdoor air pollution
  • Fragrance
  • Tobacco
  • Clinical asthma management in the school setting